Top Things You Need To Know About USG Abdomen

If you are pregnant, you will be subjected to USG abdomen or ultrasound sonography. The diagnostic modality is pretty common in different specialties in the field of medicines. During ultrasound, the lab professionals or the test provider uses high frequency waves to come up with 2D image of internal organs or body tissues. This technique of diagnosis is used quite commonly in the realm of medicine. When it comes to maternal medicine, the test plays an important role.

How to prepare for the test?  

Not much preparation is needed for the test. It is the sort of trans-vaginal procedure whereby the person undergoing the test needs to drink 4-5 glasses of water prior to the test. The person is not supposed to use the washroom for at least 2 hours or so. Only when the bladder is full, the image quality is improved. It ensures diagnostic accuracy in the realm of USG. When 12 weeks of conception are completed, the uterus is itself an abdomen. Thus, the USG is performed. The test is done by applying gel over the exposed abdomen to allow the proper conduction of USG waves. The images are attained by using hand held probe.

Is there any side effect of the test?

Wondering whether there are side effects of sonography test? No! There is no side effect of the test. Indeed, this is the safest of tests performed to investigate more about pregnancy and the fetus. Only the person feels a bit uncomfortable because the bladder is full. Apart from this, no discomfort is experienced by the one undergoing the test. Women feel a bit uncomfortable owing to the invasiveness of trans-vaginal procedure. The test is not painful otherwise. There wont be any developmental abnormality as such. The fetus will develop normally. It is safe to carry out USG during pregnancy.

It can diagnose miscarriage

Suspected abortion is diagnosed in the best way through USG. All throughout the scanning process, the gestational sac is being viewed or visualized. When doing the USG, the tubes are imaged in order to rule out the probability of ectopic pregnancy. Most importantly, the baby’s heart beat is traced. Then, the sac is measured during the process. If the heart beat of the baby is visualized, there is least chance of miscarriage. It suggests complete miscarriage if the uterus is empty. An incomplete miscarriage is suggested if there are retained products or stuffs of conception.

The uses of USG

Sonography or USG can trace out abortion or healthy conception. On the other hand, it also helps to trace the growth and development of fetus. It helps to find out congenial malformation, if any. If the USG is done thoroughly, it is very accurate test. It may help to trace out any congenital defect such as defect in neural tube or spina bifida.

Are there any risks associated with it?

The screening device called ultrasound is used to view the fetus in the uterus. There are various kinds of ultrasounds like standard scans, 3-D ultrasound, Trans Vaginal Ultrasound, Doppler Ultrasound, etc. It helps to confirm pregnancy at the earliest. If there are multiple births, it will be shown. USG detects fetal position, inspects placenta or its placement. Take this test only when needed. As per the medical professionals, the test is safe.

FBS test or fasting blood glucose test can be prescribed along with sonography. This is to check for diabetes.

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