Our Guide To The Different Weight Of Stable Rug

A stable-rug mostly used for covering the body of the horses. You should choose a stable-rug only after considering its weight. If it is too heavy then your house will feel uncomfortable. You have to learn about the varied weights of these kinds of rugs otherwise you will not be able to choose the appropriate one for your horse. Type of stable rugs often keeps on changing as per the season.

Info about a stable rug’s varied weights:

Stable rugs are mostly used for preserving the body warmth of horses for a long time. These rugs are used especially when the horses are outdoors under the direct contact of the sun. It is the thickness and materials on the basis of which the weight is being decided. If the rugs are too thick then the weight will be more and vice-versa. 150gms is the minimum weight that a stable-rug should have. This is the lightest one amongst all. Heavier ones are almost 300gms or more. Therefore, it is always better choosing the medium-weight ones so that a proper balance can be maintained.

The rugs should be breathable enough so that the sweats can get easily evaporated. In most of the cases, heavier rugs are used during winters when it is necessary keeping the horses warm. But make sure that your horse feels comfortable in carrying the rug over its body. Heavier ones are also used as night-time rugs for horses and the lighter ones are used during day-time. You should also consider the horse’s age, size and weight for deciding the rug weight accurately. If the horse is too young then it will not be able to carry heavier rugs. Only a full-grown and matured horse is capable of carrying heavy rugs on its back.

Rugs are now found to be one of the most important parts of a horse’s dressing. If you want to protect your horse from climatic conditions then you should certainly make it wear rugs. When the temperature is 15degrees or more then either light-weight or no rug will do. If the temperature outside is 10-15degrees then light-weight rug is needed and in case of 5-10degrees medium-weight rug is necessary. Now, many colourful rugs are getting available in the market and you can acquire them for maintaining a perfect look of your horse. Sometimes, the price also keeps on varying on the basis of the weights of the stable rugs for horses. 

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