Video Watermarking Technology

How can premium video content be protected from piracy without using DRM and forensic watermarking technology?

Yes, that’s correct. However, is this a good idea? See what we can find out in the sections that follow.

It is pointless to sell content online if you don’t use content protection strategies because pirated copies can travel faster than the original. There are more markets served by pirates than there are by any single OTT player. In addition, encrypting content is a tried and true method of deterring illegal use of media.

Production houses used to encrypt premium video files using industry-standard algorithms before they started streaming DRM protected content. In this category, ClearKey and HLS AES are two of the most commonly used methods. The W3C, a trade group, has established protocols for safeguarding web content. As MSE and EME, they are made available to the general public (EME). In addition to the MSE and EME, ClearKey is a component of MPEG-CENC. Encrypted content can be played by web browsers after verifying the encryption keys used.

Using the AES-128 algorithm for DASH and HLS formats, these two technologies scramble video content using counter and cypher block chaining modes. Even if a pirate or illegal user has the entire file, they will be unable to play the video without the decryption key.

If you use this encryption method, there are no additional costs involved in managing the encoded files. A programmer can also encrypt a small portion of an HLS file to test it out. Video can be viewed in this situation, but the user experience is so bad that they choose not to. It is also cheaper to use segment-based encryption.

Decryption cannot be sent securely to the user, which is a drawback. Just like the video file, the decryption key, and access to the premium video are all within the reach of pirates. Video watermarking technology and a DRM-based security system is used to protect content from this type of attack.

Using this dual method, content owners can easily track their legitimate users and ensure that no key is passed along in the network without adequate protection. Tracking pirates with forensic watermarks is easier with this technology.

When a video is queried, the multi-DRM vendor inserts undetectable data into each frame of the video, which contains information about the user ID, session ID, time of query, device ID, and so on. A forensic watermark is what you’re looking at. Distribution channels for OTT content, as well as individual devices, all include a watermark of some kind. Watermarks are permanently embedded in pirated videos. If the owner of a video discovers an illegal copy, they can use this watermark to find the leaker.

Due to the numerous restrictions imposed by the DRM licence and the forensic watermark, online video distributors (OTTs) can get the most out of their investments. Although securing streaming video appears to be a complicated process, the multiple DRM technology handles it in a single, integrated workflow. The SaaS model allows content creators to access and use the software on-the-fly, no matter where they are located in the world.

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