Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with a Laptop Trade In

Did you know that UK population throws away approximately 2 million tonnes of WEEE? “What’s WEEE?” I hear you ask. WEEE is an abbreviation for waste electrical and electronic equipment and is currently one of the fastest growing waste streams in both the UK and EU.

How Can We Stop WEEE?

It is imperative that we all take active steps in reducing our carbon footprint, and that means reusing our electrical equipment or recyclingparts that cannot be used. However, WEEE regulations state that reusing and recycling should be done so in an environmentally safe and legal manner.

Our Laptop Trade In Service

Most laptop trade in companies will reuse or recycle each and every acquired unit. Many components parts will be used to build working laptops that can be remarketed or refurbished. Parts that can’t be used will then be disposed of to adhere to WEE regulations.

Why Trade in a Laptop?

By recycling your laptop, not only will you ensure that you’re computer doesn’t have a damaging affect to planet Earth but you will also receive a handy cash amount. Your new fortune could then be used towards the cost of a new laptop or at your own discretion.

So, do your bit for the planet and your bank balance today and trade in your laptop.

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