The Tour Of Swimming With Whale Sharks La Paz

Are you going to La Paz? There are many picturesque vantage points several islands in the background. If you are a wildlife lover, it will be nothing less than a paradise for and touch the world’s largest fish! It has a once in a lifetime opportunity and you definitely do not want to miss it.

Whale sharks, or locally known whale sharks known as those who fight in Mexico, are the world’s largest fish species. You can grow up to 12 feet! However, because of their weight and size, they are known to be gentle giants of the sea and pose no threat to anyone. They thrive in many tropical seas.

Do not forget to bring your gear, especially the underwater camera, into the water! Prepare goggles, snorkels, fins and a spare battery for your camera. Sorsogon can be reached by the airline from Baja California Sur to the La Paz. There are many hotels and travel agencies near La Paz Airport that can offer tour packages that include the experience of swimming with whale sharks in La Paz. Alternatively, if you are smart and witty, you can rent a passenger car to La Paz Tourist Center.

You can hire boats and guides from the tourist center or join other tourists in one boat. Cargo officers briefly explain how to interact while interacting with whale sharks. Then you go up in search of these giants. You can stay there for hours, but do not see it that day. If you are lucky, you will find it right away! Even if the water from the rain is mysterious, it is not hard to see. It is best to go see whale sharks from December to May. May month is highly recommended at the peak of the summer season (because it is raining all year long on a visit to La Paz).

Once the batting officers discover whales, they bravely guide the group underwater … yes; you will be surprised by its size when you show up! Again, bravely, you can access it and touch it! It will never happen. It is definitely surreal and with pictures and videos, you can take moments forever.

Trying to do it yourself is impractical. You should go on a scuba diving and snorkelling day. These tourism organizations go to local planes to find creatures that can be avoided, provide all the equipment and take you safely and conveniently to the best viewing locations. Strictly managed tours minimize overlap with whale sharks and enhance human “interaction” with fish.

Sharks rarely attack humans. However, they may respond defensively. Whale sharks are peaceful giants of the sea so you do not worry – it will not attack. Overall, you will have a delightful experience swimming the whale sharks.

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