Need Seating Storage For Post-Lockdown Reopening? Read This

As you open your eatery following government guidelines, we can help you store the seating you don’t need. 

The world is coming out of lockdown, including restaurants, bars and hotels. Businesses within these industries are stepping over themselves to ensure they can make up for lost time. Many have lost a lot of revenue whilst lockdown has been in place so it makes sense to do everything possible to bring customers in as soon as they can. 

The considerations of bars, restaurants and hotels are quite vast. Enclosed spaces have kind of been out of bounds, apart from essential businesses. Now these kinds of places can open, it is important to operate safely. The safer coming out of lockdown is, the less likely a second spread is going to be. 

Are you a bar, restaurant or hotel coming out of lockdown? There are a number of things you need to do to ensure you take every precaution to keep staff and customers safe, here are just a few of them:


It is important to educate staff on when they should not be coming into work, and how long they have to stay off work for. Try to make it less of a warning, and more of a supportive encouragement. If staff think they are at risk of job loss from ringing in sick, they may come in anyway, which is a real problem. 


Employees should be washing their hands frequently and should have the facilities and time to do so. Hand sanitizer can be used to support these practises if hand-washing cannot be completed immediately. 


Tissues should be used for any cough or sneeze that isn’t caused by illness. Tissues should be disposed of and hands should be washed straight away.

Face Masks

As is possible, staff should wear face coverings. This is imperative when social distancing is a struggle. How to safely use face masks is something staff should be educated about. 

Supplying The Right Equipment

You should supply your staff and customers with everything you can to encourage healthy behaviours. Table placing of hand sanitizer is useful, as well as tissues. 

At the very least, there should be as many hygiene products in different easy to reach locations across the premises paired with enclosed no-touch bins. 


Communication should be clear so that customers and staff know what they need to do. This includes floor signage, guidance on entry and exits and easy to access training and instructional content. 

Providing A Healthy Environment

The instructions and guidance on maintaining a clean premises and equipment are extensive. There are many rules and guidelines with; cleaning, water systems, ventilation and shared items. Employers should spend time familiarising themselves with guidelines and putting plans in place to follow them. 

As part of the healthy environment plan you should be changing the way your environment is layed out. There should be space between tables and seating areas as specified by the government. 

With that in mind, you might want to consider some cheap self storage (see here to hold the seating you need to store to make room. You’ve enough on your plate ensuring everything is safe and meeting guidelines, let your seating storage issue be one problem easily solved. 

Your Business Can Adapt, And Survive This Pandemic

The above are just some recommended guidelines for businesses during this post-lockdown adjustment period. You can and should take a look at the latest government guidelines relating to your industry. 

We can’t solve all your problems, but we are providing bars, restaurants and hotels an EXCLUSIVE deal on 320 square foot units at just @59 plus VAT per week. This gives you a flexible space for all your excess seating, until you are back at capacity again. We can also arrange collection of your seating at the beginning of rental, and delivery back to you at the end, for an additional cost. 

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