When Might You Need To Hire An Intellectual Property Lawyer?

“Intellectual property,” or IP, is a official word that covers creative works such as music, literature, art, and the copyrights that would cover them; and also discoveries, inventions, designs, symbols, and words and phrases written to represent and/or advertise a business and its products, and the patents and trademarks that would cover them. And this will also provides will writing services.

Just as people hire lawyers to help them make money from, and avoid legal mistakes and inconveniences regarding, real estate and business transactions, an intellectual property attorney can help a person to make the best and most profitable use of his intellectual property. This can include exchanging limited exclusive rights for disclosure, distribution and promotion of creative works and inventions, so that both originator and promoter can benefit from said disclosure, distribution and promotion.  The creator, the discloser and society mutually benefit, thus creating a greater market for the creator and the discloser, which in turn creates greater incentive for them to add to their work and to improve upon it, which in turn creates greater incentive for consumers to purchase anew.

An intellectual property attorney is someone who will need to “speak” three languages: The language of the form of the intellectual property (whether it be literature, visual art, or science and technology), the language of law (a cross between English of at least college level and the Latin that so often forms the basis for legal terms), and the plainer English that the average consumer will understand.  This will also require the kind of personal skills that will allow the attorney to speak to all three of these kinds of people on their own levels.  The attorney must also be familiar with the branches of law with which intellectual property overlaps, such as business law, privacy, communications (including media), and, in some cases, real estate law.

The intellectual property attorney can work to clear the path for the property and its holder. This includes making the necessary introductions to disclosers and distributors, establishing copyrights and patents, and obtaining the licenses and permits to sell access to their work. They examine a property holder’s business model, and see to it that it becomes stronger and well-protected, so that it stands the best possible chance of not only succeeding, but avoiding infringements such as copycats, misrepresentation, and breaches of confidentiality.

A creative artist or a scientist trying to move forward with trying to make money off his product, without hiring an intellectual property attorney, is like a person driving without a map. While success is still possible, it’s far easier to reach it with the kind of guidance that comes from people who know the terrain.

  • An intellectual property attorney can handle the following:
  • Domain name acquisition and sale agreements, domain disputes, and related issues
  • Establishing e-commerce ventures and services and social media sites
  • Digital content distribution models
  • Internet development agreements
  • IT support and maintenance matters
  • Statements of Work (SOWs)
  • Master Services Agreements (MSAs)
  • Outsourcing and/or procurement agreements
  • Rights of privacy and rights of publicity matters (including handling print media and online defamation, libel, and slander claims and disputes)
  • Intellectual property rights (including copyright, trademark, infringement, and disputes)
  • Breaches of confidentiality and trade secrets
Posted in Law

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